Describing and measuring leadership within school teams by applying a social network perspective
a b s t r
a c t
Despite the growing number of studies that acknowledge a
crucial role of distributed leadership within schools, limited knowledge exists
on how to describe and measure this multi-faceted concept. In a social network
study with 130 respondents, from 14 Dutch school teams carrying out
collaborative innovation, we theoretically de[1]scribe three core aspects of the social
interaction process of distributed leadership: collective, dynamic, or
relational. Furthermore, we empirically explore how to measure all these three
aspects of distributed leadership from a social network perspective, whereas
most research focuses on either collective or dynamic. Our findings indicate
that three network measures (density, reciprocity, indegree centralization)
form a coherent combination to measure distributed leadership in school teams
in terms of collective, relational, and dynamic, respectively. Furthermore,
based on the combination of measures we found differences in distributed
leadership between school teams. Thus, adding the relational aspect in addition
to the collective and dynamic aspects seems to be informative to measure
distributed leadership. Our study motivates to take a social network
perspective, instead of the mostly used aggregation approaches, to measure
distributed leadership in school teams.
แต่ความรู้ที่จํากัด มีอยู่เกี่ยวกับวิธีการอธิบายและวัดแนวคิดหลายแง่มุมนี้
ในการศึกษาเครือข่ายสังคมออนไลน์กับผู้ตอบแบบสอบถาม 130 คนจากทีมโรงเรียนดัตช์
14 ทีมที่ดําเนินการนวัตกรรมการทํางานร่วมกันเราในทางทฤษฎี
de อาลักษณ์สามด้านหลักของกระบวนการปฏิสัมพันธ์ทางสังคมของความเป็นผู้นําแบบกระจาย:
W.A. de Jong, J. Brouwer, D. Lockhorst, R.A.M. de Kleijn, J.W.F. van Tartwijk, M. Noordegraaf, Describing and measuring leadership within school teams by applying a social network perspective, International Journal of Educational Research Open, Volume 3, 2022,